Tokenomics / LP



  • Liquidity Percent 55%

  • Fair Launch: 35%

  • Dex Listing: 17,325%

  • Marketing: 12.675% (Locked)

  • Team: 10% (Locked)

  • AirDrop: 5% (Locked)

  • Ecosystem Reseve: 20% (Locked)

LP (Liquidity Pool) and Security Measures On our platform:

We prioritize the safety and security of every participant. Therefore, in the initial phase, the Liquidity Pool (LP) will be locked for a minimum of 5 years on DeDust. We are optimistic that everything will proceed as planned. Assuming our expectations are met, instead of extending the lock for another years, we plan to permanently burn the LP!

Our approach reflects our commitment:

To transparency and the trust we want to foster within our community. Stay tuned to our official channels for the most accurate and up-to-date information.

Last updated